Hello World!

I am Ashwini,

A Software Developer

My Projects


A user friendly parenting application developed especially for fathers. Beautiful UI developed using HTML and SCSS which is yet to be functional. Planning to provide more features in upcoming versions.


A Calculator which performs basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage operations. It works for decimal numbers as well

Master Minds Quiz

The game consists of 10 questions. You get only one attempt per question. Any wrong answer. There are clues to each question which can be viewed before choosing the answer.

Punk API

This project consists of mainly three operations that is, search option to search for beers by name, filter option and also to know more about the beer

Travel UK

This is a full stack java application which involves react as front end and cloud database to strote data in backend. User can add locations and delete them as well

About Me

I'm Ashwini, a developer who is aiming to build challenging application.

I am currently part of _nology 12 week intensive course, expanding my programming skills. Currently working on HTML, SCSS, Java Script, React and Java. Also, working on tools such as Figma, Postman and trello.

Industry Experience


Worked in Accenture, India for 3 years (October 2018 - July 2021) as an Application development Analyst and closely worked with business analysts on test plan and execution. Worked in Tidal tool which is a workload automation platform for management of scheduling activities.


  • HTML, SCSS and CSS
  • Java Script
  • React
  • Java
  • Tidal Automation
  • Jira
  • SVN
  • Selenium
